Kids for Christ will meet Sunday, February 23, at 5:30 in the annex.
Care Groups 3 & 4 (Hollingsworth and Williams) will meet in the annex after evening services on Sunday, February 23. The menu is soup, sandwiches, sides, desserts, and drinks.
TNT will be held in the Fellowship House after evening services on Sunday, February 23. It will be hosted by the Clayton, Grubbs, and White families.
There will be a work project and supper for those in 7th grade - 12th grade from 4:00-8:30 p.m., on Friday, February 28, in the annex. Supper will be provided. See George Heath for more info.
Our young men will lead services on Sunday morning, March 2, and the young ladies will teach classes for those in 6th grade and under. There will be a luncheonfor the widows hosted by the young ladies in the annex following morning services.
Gloster Street will host the Area-Wide Youth Meeting on Sunday evening, March 2. We will meet at 5:00 instead of 6:00. Johnson Ramsey will be the guest speaker. A meal will be provided following the service, and you are asked to take single serve desserts for that.
There will be no Kids for Christ or First Sunday Singing on Sunday, March 2.
Please remember these efforts:
Our goal for buying and shipping raisins to Ghana is $15,000. $8,780 has been raised to date.
The deadline for donatingFoundations and othersoundBible class materials to World Evangelism is April 6. There is a box in the lobby labeled for these donations.
We were asked to help West Main collect prescription eyeglasses & reading glasses to distribute on a mission trip to Honduras in July. There is a basket in the lobby labeled for this effort.
Please contact the office for assistance in signing up for our church app or our digital church pictorial directory. Please submit updated information or photos to the office at any time.
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